Name: Southern Pacific's New Pollok cut-off
Scale: HO scale
Era: 1954-56
Owner: Brian Moore
Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom
The New Pollok cut-off is an imaginary additional section of SP's Coast Line set in the period 1954-56, and features the type of locomotive power, passenger and freight trains common to that time.
It lives in my loft, and has a rectangular footprint of 18x8 feet.
Scale: HO scale
Era: 1954-56
Owner: Brian Moore
Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom

This side of the layout remains almost fully negligent of scenery, but has the buildings in place.
There are also eight hidden storage tracks (five double-ended and three stub-ended), the longest capable of taking an ABBA set, 22 40' reefers and a caboose.

Track is all Peco Code 83, and all switches are remotely controlled.
This layout is my first attempt at modeling SP operations on the Coast Line.
As per SLO, there's rather a lot of locomotive changes and helper attachment/detachments, and a reasonable degree of switching too.
Waybills and more formal ops are in the pipeline.
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